#1 School Closures due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

2020-03-14 08:47
School Closures due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dear OCDSB Families,

Today, the Ontario government has announced that all schools will be closed to students from March 14 to April 5th, 2020. This includes all OCDSB elementary and secondary schools. At this time, there are many unanswered questions about this decision, including the impact on childcare programs and services, March Break camps, community use permits, administrative buildings, school year calendar, dual credit programs, and many other issues. The Ministry has announced that some additional details will follow and some decisions will be local board decisions. What we are able to confirm at this time is that students will not attend school during this period.

This decision was made to help reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is a respiratory infection which causes flu like symptoms including fever, cough and difficulty breathing. You can learn more about the virus from this Public Health Canada Coronavirus Fact Sheet. It will take our collective effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

We know that many families will be travelling during March Break. If you plan to travel over March Break, please take all safety precautions. For travel outside of Canada, follow Government of Canada Travel Advisories and be aware that this situation is changing rapidly. Please check the Ottawa Public Health recommendations for self-isolation, prior to your return. We would hope that all students are in a position to return to school on April 6, 2020.
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